Province house competition – the four who did not win
Wedstrijd Provinciehuis Antwerpen - Xaveer de Geyter - titel

Competition Province House

Winner: Xaveer de Geyter Architecten

Antwerp, Koningin Elisabethlei 22


Competition Province House

They’re currently working on the new Province House, more about this in the blog post about the construction of the Province House. The design is the result of a competition. The assignment consisted of a building for all central functions and services of the provincial government in a new building of approximately 35,000 m². The current front building had to be integrated into the total concept. Particular attention had to be paid to work organization and work processes, sustainability and environmental friendliness. The space around the building also had to be redesigned with sufficient greenery. The designs had to be handed in by 23 September 2011. Five were selected from all submitted designs. Below the four who did not win.

ARUP bv, Eagles of Architecture, T.O.P. office / Luc Deleu

The design team has chosen to apply the technique of cadavre exquis. Here one makes a part and only shows the last piece to the designer who will make the next part. It was believed that this was a good technique for designing a complex with completely different program components.

AWG architecten

AWG architecten is an Antwerp agency. The project architects were Geert Driesen and bOb Van Reeth. They wanted to develop a building for a transparent administration, a hospitable house. No high-rise buildings, but a building that connects to the various edges of the area.

Miralles Tagliabue EMBT

On the site of the Spanish architectural firm Miralles Tagliabue EMBT nothing is mentioned about the competition for the provincial government. The new building would be placed in the middle of the area. The different parts are organized in blocks parallel to each other. Green buffer zones would be placed on the outer walls, which would blur the boundary between outside and inside.

Solid Objectives – Idenburg Liu

The SO-IL architecture office operates from New York. The designed building consists of two parts: a tower about 50 meters high and 16 meters wide and a 9 meter high plinth. The plinth meanders in the green area. Concrete, glass and travertine, among others, would be used as facade materials.

Competition Province House


Winner: Xaveer de Geyter Architecten

Antwerp, Koningin Elisabethlei 22


More information (Dutch)

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